Careful Huddersfield pay inevitable price but are set up to return | Paul Doyle

With the Premier League’s lowest wage bill and ineffective strikers, relegation is no surprise but Jan Siewert’s men are equipped to come back

And so Huddersfield’s Premier League journey nears the end that has long been signposted, via a sequence of results that reads like a faux-Welsh train station: LLDDLLLDLLWDWLLLLLLLLDLLLLLWLLLL. The No Limits hashtag and flags can be retired, as the two words that became the club’s de facto motto during their sensational rise from the depths of the Championship no longer apply. Huddersfield have hit the buffers. They have been on a hell of a ride.

Related: ‘We weren’t good enough to stay up’: Huddersfield deflated as they go down

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